4 Questions your CV must answer
14 Nov, 20174 minutes1. Is your CV tailored for your target roles?Having a standard generic CV that you issue to ...

1. Is your CV tailored for your target roles?
Having a standard generic CV that you issue to all potential employers isn't going to make a good first impression at all. Doing this means risking your CV becoming just one of a flood of bland and ordinary applications that will never stand out from the crowd.
2. Do you start with a persuasive profile?
Your most important information needs to be on the first page. Your personal introduction should showcase those skills that the employer is looking for right away. You would have already lost them by the end of page one. Introduce yourself and tell the employer you have the skills they want right off the bat.
3. Is your CV easy to read?
Take a fresh look at your CV by imagining how it looks to an employer reading it for the first time. Is the structure and layout easy to follow? Does it lead the eye naturally down the page? Are there plenty of bullet points to deliver relevant snapshots of information and to help break up the text? Can you include a smart-looking headshot in your profile to help introduce yourself - employers like to know who they are reading about.
4. Do you prove your impact?
You may do a great job of listing your relevant skills and experience, but without showing the impact your actions made on previous employers, you will not clearly demonstrate your value. Ensure that it is clearly visible in your CV.
Source: Total Jobs