Half Year Message from our CEO
03 Jul, 20202 minutesToday is the last day of Meridian Business Support’s half year for 2020 and it has been a tr...

Today is the last day of Meridian Business Support’s half year for 2020 and it has been a true roller coaster six months.
The company is doing extraordinarily well in some pockets of the business and poorly in some other parts. Thankfully the good bits seriously outweigh the poor bits.
A huge thank you to the magnificent Meridian team who are producing these superb results.
We have begun the process of returning some furloughed staff to full-time working, which is terrific news. The rest will trickle back over the coming months.
Given the teams’ strong performance so far this year we have shut no offices and have made no redundancies. We fully intend to retain all of our staff and all of our offices.
Indeed, we are looking to expand into new sectors and we are in discussions with a number of people who have been let go by their last employers, who will expand the sectors that we are already operating in.
If you are looking for investment, or a job with job security and you can bring something new and exciting to Meridian, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you. Come and join the Meridian family!
We invest in people because it is people that make a business a success or a failure.
Meridian Business Support loves its people.
I am so proud of the business that our people are building, one temp, one perm placement at a time.
Stay safe and stay well.