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Preparing for a job interview

4 minutes

Preparing for a job interview in this tough economic climate is vitally important.Gone are t...

Preparing for a job interview in this tough economic climate is vitally important.

Gone are the days when you could read a corporate website and bluff your way through an interview.

Companies are demanding higher standards than ever before. Putting on a suit will help with your potential employer's 'first impression' of you but the candidate who wins is the one who is polished and prepared.

On this blog, Meridian will share interview tips and advice so you will become that winning candidate. Follow this blog to continue on your Polished and Prepared journey.
  • Research the firm – look at the company’s website but don't stop here! Look at their social networking sites including LinkedIn, and if you do not have a LinkedIn profile, create one!
  • Check up-to-date company literature, if this is not available on their company website, telephone HQ and ask them to post a corporate brochure out to you, then take this to your interview. This displays a genuine interest and ability to use your initiative.
  • Read the press and search in editorial archives on news websites to see the heritage of the company. This will also tell you what the company is in the news for from charity events through to corporate disasters, this content will help shape some questions for you to ask at the interview.
  • Talk to people you know who work or who have worked there; this will give you firsthand information and genuine opinions about the company as an employer.
  • Know your CV inside out – the interviewer will expect you to be able to answer questions about anything (and potentially everything) that is written on your CV. Know your dates off-by-heart. If you don't know your history, how do you expect the interviewer to view you as a credible candidate?
  • Check out the interview process; how many stages will there be, is there going to be a written technical test, who will you be meeting (get their full name and job title).
  • Review the job description – think of how your experience would benefit the company and be prepared to give examples.
  • Remember the interview is a two-way process – it offers you the opportunity to get all the information you need on the company/team in order to be able to decide if you want the role.
Viewpoint of an experienced interviewer:

If there are several candidates to interview for one role, it's the candidate with enthusiasm that shines through.

Experience and skills obviously go a long way, but the ability to talk and engage the interviewer is vitally important. It can be a long way when interviewing candidates who are not enthused about the opportunity.

Start the interview by making small-talk, don't sit there in silence. Even if you're mentioning the weather or telling the interviewer about your journey to the interview, it shows that you are willing to take control and have the confidence to talk.

Above all, ensure the opportunity is of interest to you. There is nothing worse than wasting your time or that of the interviewer.