Should I lie on my CV?
20 Jan, 20212 minutesResignation Over False CV ClaimsThis month, Walmart’s Vice President of Communications and s...

Resignation Over False CV Claims
This month, Walmart’s Vice President of Communications and spokesman for the supermarket chain has resigned after it was revealed he had lied on his CV. David Tovar falsely claimed he was a graduate of The University of Delaware. The revelation comes during a probe into allegations of corruption in the company’s international division. University officials said Tovar had left the school, where he studied art, with no diploma in May of 1996.
Not The First
Tovar is by no means the first to be caught out for a false claim on a CV. Four months after being appointed Yahoo CEO, Scott Thompson was found out for lying about his education. Claiming he had a degree in accounting and computer science, he was forced to admit he had never earned the latter.
Should I Lie On My CV?
Lying on your CV can be classified as fraud if you’re caught and prosecuted. One former student was jailed for 12 weeks after lying about his qualifications when applying for a job as a temporary teacher. He claimed to hold a master’s degree but later admitted to buying it online. In another case, a woman was jailed for six months for making up references and lying about having two A-levels.
How To Make The Most Of My CV?
You can still stretch your CV without actually lying. Read this guide to CV writing to learn how to make the most of your CV.